What Are Percentages?

What Are Percentages?
Percentages are a useful way to represent amounts. You can convert between fractions, decimals and percentages.
How many little blocks do you see here?

Now, how many of the blocks have been coloured in?

So 10037 blocks have been coloured in
This is the same as 37 percent of the blocks.

How can you also write 37 percent?
What does "percent" % actually mean?
Where else do you know "cent" from?

How many centimetres are there in a metre?

How many years are there in a century?

How many centilitres are there in a litre?

So "percent" means "per _________".
A) 10 B) 100 C) 1000

"Percent" means "per 100"
So when you say 37%, you actually say "37 out of 100" or 10037

How many % of these blocks have been coloured in?

10050 or 50% of these blocks have been coloured in. What does the fraction 10050 become when it has been simplified as much as possible?

So 50% is the same as 10050 which is the same as 21
Half of these blocks are coloured in.

Now, which one of these cakes shows that only 50% is left? Answer A, B or C.

Which cake shows that only 25% is left? Answer A, B or C.

Which cake shows that 100% is left? Answer A, B or C.

So what is 100% the same as?
A) 1 B) 100 C) 0

So 100% is the same as 100100 or 1 whole
50% is the same as 10050 or 21
25% is the same as 10025 or 41

How much is left of this pizza in %?

How much is 10069 as a %?
How do you write 24% as a fully simplified fraction?
To recap! "Percent" means "per 100"
Here there are 10037 blocks filled in, so that is 37%

100% is the same as 1 whole
10075 or 75% is the same as 43
10050 or 50% is the same as 21
10025 or 25% is the same as 41

So 1% is the same as 1001
You can also say 1 hundredth.

How many hundredths are in the decimal 0.43?

How do you think you can write 0.43 as a %?

So you can also change decimals to %
For example, 0.43 is the same as 10043 which is the same as 43%

How would you write 0.87 as a %?
Now, how much is 0.134 in %?
So what do you actually do when you change decimals into %?
Have a good look at these examples again.

You change decimals into % by _____________ by 100
A) dividing B) multiplying

You change decimals into % by multiplying by 100
For example, 87% is ×100 bigger than 0.87

Now, what is 8% as a decimal?
Pick the 3 options below that are the same as 40%
You can select multiple answers
What is 200% the same as?
Pick the 3 options below that are the same as 150%
You can select multiple answers
Summary! "Percent" means "per 100"
100% is the same as 1 whole.

You can change between fractions, decimals and percent
For example, 25% is the same as 10025 or 41 which is also the same as 0.25