Learn the general rules that hold Maths together.

Integers and Place Values

Ordering Different Types of Numbers

Relationships between Numbers

Basic Arithmetic


Negative Numbers
Indices show us how to multiply a number by itself

Indices: Squares and Cubes

Indices: Higher Powers

Indices: Negative Numbers

Indices: Multiplying and Dividing

Indices: Negative Powers

Indices: Brackets and Combinations

Indices: Fractional Powers
Understand and use fractions, including fractions greater than one

What Are Fractions?

Simplifying Fractions

Top-Heavy Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Multiplying Fractions

Dividing Fractions

Fractions: Adding and Subtracting
Sometimes, numbers are not exact. Learn how to estimate and round numbers within an acceptable range.
The relative value of numbers and amounts is important, and there are systems which we use to standardise these.

The Metric System

The Imperial System

Compound Units

Converting Area and Volume Units

Direct and Inverse Proportion

Working with Ratios
Factors, multiples and roots help us understand how different numbers relate to each other



Prime Factorisation

Lowest Common Multiples

Highest Common Factors


Estimating Roots of any Number
Standard form helps us write numbers that are either very big or very small
Surds help us to express irrational numbers in a way that is simple and precise

Surds: Basics

Surds: Multiplying and Dividing

Surds: Adding and Subtracting

Surds: Multiplying Brackets
Understand and use numbers that have decimal places
Understand, use and finding percentages. Learn to recognise when there has been in increase or decrease

What Are Percentages?

Working with Percentages: Increase and Decrease

Reverse Percentages

Simple Interest

Compound Interest
Fractions, decimals and percentages are different ways to represent numbers and the relations between them.