Indices: Multiplying and Dividing

Indices: Multiplying and Dividing
We can carry out multiplication and division of indices, giving the results in terms of powers.
Numbers like 45 and xy are called indices.
Indices have base numbers and powers.
In 45 which number is the base number?
In 45, the base number is 4 and the power is 5.
The same principle applies for algebraic expression. Which is the base number in xy?
In the term xy
x is the base number y is the power - this is also sometimes called the index.
Let's look at multiplying two indices together.
x3 multiplies x by itself 3 times. How else can this be written?
Similarly, x5 multiplies x by itself 5 times
This can be written x×x×x×x×x
We can now multiply the two expressions x×x×x and x×x×x×x×x together. What does this give us?
We now have x×x×x×x×x×x×x×x or x multiplied by itself eight times. What is another way of writing this?
We have found our answer!
What do you notice about the powers in the multiplication x3×x5=x8? What did we do to the powers?
This is our first rule!
When multiplying numbers raised to indices, we add the powers.

Let's try 45×46
This is the same as 45+6

So what is 45+6 as a power of 4?

What is 33×38 as a single power of 3?
Let's try something a little more difficult.
What happens when the base numbers are different?
We know that x3×x5=x8. But what is x4×y7?
To add the powers, the base number must be the same. How can we simplify x2×y5×x4?
What about dividing indices that have the same base number?
x5 multiplies x by itself 5 times
Therefore, it is the same as x×x×x×x×x
What can x3 also be written as?
This means our expression can be written as:
Cancel out pairs of x′s
Simplify x×x×xx×x×x×x×x
What do you notice about the powers in the division x3x5=x2?
This is our second rule!
When dividing two indices with the same base numbers, subtract the powers.

Let's try 78÷74
This is the same as 78−4

What is 78−4, as a power of 7?

What is 511514 as a single power of 5?
As with multiplication of indices, the rule only works when the base number is the same. How do we simplify x3x7y5?
We can combine multiplication and division in one expression.
Let's look at x4×x3x2×x8.
Start with the numerator and work out the multiplication
We now have x4×x3x2×x8=x4×x3x10, what is the result of the multiplication in the denominator?
We have now simplified to x7x10. What is the final answer here?
Summary! When multiplying indices with the same base number
Add the powers 35×37=312

When dividing indices with the same base number
Subtract the powers 4548=43

Both rules only apply when the indices have the same base number.
x3×y6=x3y6 - we cannot add the powers as the base numbers are different.
We can combine multiplication and division to find our answer.