DNA is the building block of life. All living organisms have DNA, which is the set of instructions required to build and maintain an organism.
DNA can be read by cell machinery to produce proteins. Proteins are an extremely diverse substance, vital for a range of bodily functions.
Genes are the term for the unit of DNA that can be inherited by offspring. The expression of genes can be influenced by different factors.



Dominant and Recessive Alleles

Monohybrid Inheritance

Polygenic Variation

Constructing Punnett Squares

Blood Groups

Inherited Disorders

Sex Determination

Sex-Linked Disorders

The Human Genome Project
Reproduction is the act of passing on genes to new offspring. Organisms have evolved to reproduce in different ways depending on their environment.

What is Reproduction?


Sexual Reproduction

Asexual Reproduction

Animals that reproduce via Both Methods
Different hormones in the human body are responsible for triggering characteristics necessary for reproduction in both men and women.