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Lowest Common Multiples

Lowest Common Multiples

Lowest Common Multiples

The lowest common multiple is the smallest number that is a multiple of two other numbers.


A multiple is a number that is a product of two numbers. Which number below is a multiple of 55?


So 135135 is a multiple of 55 because 5×27=1355\times 27=135.

It's also true that 135=15×9135=15\times 9.


This means that 135135 is a multiple of 55 and 1515. What is the term for this?


Sometimes we want to find the lowest common multiple of two numbers.

This is the smallest number that is a common multiple of them both. There are two ways we can approach this.


Let's find the lowest common multiple (LCM for short) of 88 and 66.

List the first three multiples of 88 separating your answers with a comma.


Are any of these also a multiple of 66 and if so, which one?


We have found the lowest common multiple of 66 and 88.

The LCM is 2424.


Let's find the LCM of 1212 and 1515.

We list the multiples of the larger number - this means we have fewer multiples to find!


What are the first three multiples of 1515? Separate your answers with a comma.


The first three multiples of 1515 are 1515, 3030 and 4545. Are any of these also a multiple of 1212?


We need to find more multiples of 1515. The first three are 1515, 3030 and 4545. What are the next three? Separate your answers with a comma.


The next three multiples of 1515 are 6060, 7575 and 9090. Are any of these also a multiple of 1212 and if so which one?


We have found the LCM of 1212 and 1515 which is 6060.

Sometimes we have to find quite a few multiples, there is another method which can be quicker.

What is the LCM of 1212 and 1515 using prime factorisation?


This is the prime factorisation of 1515

33 and 55 are both prime numbers that multiply to make1515.


What is the prime factorisation of 1212?


We have the prime factorisation of both our numbers.

To find the LCM we eliminate the duplicate of any common prime factors the multiply the numbers that remain


Which prime factors do each of these numbers have in common?


We eliminate one of these common factors so that we don't duplicate it. Are there any other common prime factors?


To find the LCM, we take the remaining prime factors and multiply them all together. What is the answer?


We have used both methods to find the LCM of 1212 and 1515 is 6060

Prime factorisation means we don't need to find lots of multiples.


Let's work through this one - find the LCM of 4040 and 9090.

The prime factorisation of 9090 is 2×32×52\times 3^2\times 5.


What is the prime factorisation of 4040?


We now have the prime factorstions of both numbers. What are the common prime factors? Separate your answer with a comma.


This time we need to be careful which prime factor we cross through.

Where a factor has a power, we cross through the factor with the lowest power.


Find the LCM of 4040 and 9090 by multiplying out the remaining prime factors.


Well done - you've found the LCM of 4040 and 9090!

The LCM is 360360.


Let's find the LCM of 1616 and 4040. First find the prime factorisation of 1616.


Now find the prime factorisation of 4040.


The prime factorisations are: 16=2416=2^4

40=23×540=2^3\times 5 Which is the only common prime factor?


The prime factorisations are: 16=2416=2^4

40=23×540=2^3\times 5 Taking out the duplicate factors, what is the LCM of 1616 and 4040?

Use either method to find the Lowest Common Multiple of 1414 and 88.

What is the LCM of 7575 and 9090



A multiple is a number that is a product of two numbers.

2020 is a multiple of 55 because 5×4=205\times 4=20.


A common multiple is a number that is a multiple of two other numbers.

2020 is a common multiple of 55 and 1010.


There are two ways of finding the LCM of two numbers

  1. List the multiples of the larger number and stop when you find a multiple of the smaller number.

  2. Use the prime factorisation technique

  1. List multiples of 1515 to find the LCM of 66 and 1515

Find multiples of 1515 until you reach a multiple of 66. These are 1515, 3030 and we stop there because 3030 is also a multiple of 66.

  1. Prime factorisation can also be used to find the LCM.

The LCM of 1515 and 2727 is 135135.


The prime factorisation of: 15=3×515=3\times 5


Cross through the common prime factors, where there is a power, cross through the lowest power. This leaves 3×5{\cancel{3}}\times 5 and 333^3 giving the LCM as 33×5=1353^3\times 5=135.