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Estimating Roots of any Number

Estimating Roots of any Number

Estimating Roots of any Number

Some roots do not form whole numbers. However, we can exact roots that we know to estimate the value of any root.

What happens when numbers don't have a perfect root?

3030 is not a square number, so finding the value of 30\sqrt{30} is rather different. In fact, the value of 30\sqrt{30} is most likely irrational (not able to be expressed as an exact fraction) and can't be expressed as an exact fraction.

Therefore, we can only estimate the value of 30\sqrt{30}. In other words, we can make a good guess at what the value would be.

Is 52\sqrt{52} a rational number?

Which two integers will the value of 30\sqrt{30} lie between?


Find the square numbers on either side of 3030

2525 is the first square number less than 3030, and 3636 is the first square number more than 3030.


What is the integer value of 25\sqrt{25}?


What is the integer value of 36\sqrt{36}?


30\sqrt{30} lies between 25\sqrt{25} and 36\sqrt{36}.

So this means it must lie between the integers 55 and 66.

Which two integers would 2003\sqrt[3]{200} lie between?


Find the cube numbers on either side of 200200.

125125 is the first cube number less than 200200 and 216216 is the first cube number more than 200200.


What is the value of 1253\sqrt[3]{125}?


What is the value of 2163\sqrt[3]{216}?


2003\sqrt[3]{200} must lie between 1253\sqrt[3]{125} and 2163\sqrt[3]{216}

So that means 2003\sqrt[3]{200} lies between 55 and 66.

Which two integers would 68\sqrt{68} lie between?

Sometimes, it's useful to estimate roots to a given degree of accuracy.

Estimate the value of 6\sqrt6 to 1 decimal place.


Find the integers this root would lie between

6\sqrt6 should lie between 4\sqrt4 and 9\sqrt9. Therefore, it's between22 and 33 .


6\sqrt6 is roughly in the middle of 4\sqrt4 and 9\sqrt9

So we can estimate the value to be in the middle of 22 and 33,


This means we can say that 62.5\sqrt6 \approx 2.5

Well done!

Estimate the value of 80\sqrt{80} to 1 decimal place.


80\sqrt{80} lies in between 88 and which other integer?


80\sqrt{80} is between 64\sqrt{64} and 81\sqrt{81}, but this time it is much closer to one than the other.

80\sqrt{80} is very close to 81\sqrt{81}


This means our estimate should be closer to 99

So we may estimate 808.9\sqrt{80} \approx 8.9.

Which would be an appropriate estimate of 14\sqrt{14}?