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Highest Common Factors

Highest Common Factors

Highest Common Factors

The highest common factor is the highest number which is a factor of two other numbers. We can use prime factorisation to find it.


What is a factor of a number?


Which of these are factors of 3636? Select all that apply.

You can select multiple answers


A common factor of two numbers is a factor that divides into both numbers without leaving a remainder. Which of these is a common factor of 3636 and 5151?


Finding the highest common factor, or HCF, of two numbers can help when working with fractions.

We find the HCF using prime factorisation.


Let's try an example.

What is the HCF of 3030 and 7575?


First we find the prime factorisation of each number.

This is the prime factorisation tree for 3030.


Using a prime factorisation tree, find the prime factors of 7575.


We now have the prime factorisations of both 3030 and 7575. One common factor is 33, what is the other?


We have identified that 33 and 55 are common prime factors of 3030 and 7575. How can we find the highest common factor?


The common prime factors are highlighted, what is the highest common factor of 3030 and 7575?


Well done! You have found the answer!

The HCF of 3030 and 7575 is 1515.


When the numbers are smaller, we can list the factors to find the highest common factor.

Let's find the highest common factor of 2727 and 3939.


We can list the factors of 3939, they are 11, 33, 1313 and 3939. What are the factors of 2727? List them in order and separate your answers with a comma.


Now we have all the factors of the two numbers, what is the HCF of 2727 and 3939?


The HCF of 2727 and 3939 is 33.

With this method, when listing the factors we just find the highest one, there is no multiplying needed!


Quick recap - which option describes the HCF?


How can you find the HCF by listing the factors of each number?

What is the highest common factor of 1515 and 3535?

Fred says that 88 is the HCF of 2424 and 4848. Is he correct? If not, what is the HCF of 2424 and 4848?

We've seen that the HCF of 2424 and 4848 is 2424.

This shows that sometimes the HCF of two numbers is the smaller of the two numbers.

What is the HCF of 3636 and 180180?

You may need some time to work this out


Let's try a harder example: finding the HCF of three numbers.

Let's find the HCF of 200200, 6060 and 4040.


The prime factorisation of 200200 is 23×522^3\times 5^2. What is the prime factorisation of 6060?


We need to find our final prime factorisation of 4040, what is this one?


We now have the prime factorisations for all three numbers.

We need to compare them and find which are common to all three numbers.


Which two prime numbers appear in all three? Separate your answers with a comma.


Be careful with this one! We identified that the common prime factors are 22 and 55, but look more closely at the 22. What is the actual common factor here?


Now let's find out HCF of 200200, 6060 and 4040. The common factors are 222^2 and 55, what is the HCF?


Well done! The HCF of 200200, 6060 and 4040 is 2020.

Where a common prime factor has a power, we choose the lowest power to find the HCF.



A factor is a number which divides into another number exactly, leaving no remainder, decimal or fraction.

55 is a factor of 2020 because 20÷5=420\div 5=4

88 is not a factor of 2020 because 20÷8=2.520\div 8=2.5


A common factor of two numbers is the same factor that divides exactly into both numbers.

33 is a common factor of 7575 and 2727 because 75÷3=2575\div 3=25 and 27÷3=927\div 3=9


Numbers can have more than one common factor.

Finding the highest common factor of two numbers can help when working with fractions.


Use prime factorisation of the numbers to find the highest common factor.

The prime factors in common multiply together to give the HCF.


To find the HCF of 8484 and 132132, find the prime factorisation of both numbers.

84=22×3×784=2^2\times 3\times 7 and 132=22×3×11132=2^2\times 3\times 11 The HCF is the product of the common factors which is 22×3=122^2\times 3=12


Where a common prime factor has a power

choose the lowest power to find the HCF.


For smaller numbers it may be easier simply to list all the factors of both.

The HCF is the highest factor that appears in both lists.


1212 has factors 11, 22, 33, 44, 66 and 1212

1818 has factors 11, 22, 11, 11, 11 and 11

The highest factor in both lists is 66 so the HCF of 1212 and 1818 is 66.