Contamination vs. Irradiation

Contamination vs. Irradiation
You’re contaminated if there’s radioactive substance on you, and irradiated if you’ve been exposed to radiation.
Contamination is when substances are present in areas where they shouldn't be, like plastic in the sea. Pick all the options that are examples of contamination.
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What do you think we mean by radioactive contamination?
Definition of "contamination"
The action or state of making or being made impure by polluting or poisoning, for example plastic in the sea.
Radioactive contamination
When unwanted radioactive isotopes end up on other materials. For example if a bit of radioactive uranium got onto a person's arm or if they accidentally swallowed some.
Radioactive contamination
When will radioactive contamination be hazardous?
If a person is contaminated with a radioactive substance that is likely to decay, then they are in danger of being exposed to radiation
However, if the substance has a very long half-life, then it's unlikely to decay, and the risk of being exposed to radiation is quite low.
How would you prevent radioactive contamination while handling a radioactive substance?
So radioactive contamination is when some radioactive substance is in contact with another material
When working with radioactive substances, you can prevent contamination by wearing protective clothing, like gloves.
What do you think we might mean by irradiation?
So irradiation is simply exposure to any kind of radiation. When might irradiation be problematic?
So a person is irradiated if radiation reaches their body. Which of these types of radiation are likely to actually reach your body?
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Pick all the options that are precautions which you can take against irradiation from an external source.
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Having a radiation monitor can...
Which type of radiation is the least dangerous when it comes to irradiation?
When is alpha radiation the most dangerous kind?
Radioactive contamination...
is when unwanted radioactive substance ends up on other materials, for example on or in you!
Radioactive contamination is only hazardous...
if the contaminating substance is likely to decay.
You can prevent radioactive contamination...
by wearing protective clothing like gloves when handling radioactive substances.
The most dangerous kind of radiation for contamination...
is alpha radiation, because although it is not very penetrating, it's highly ionising, so as an internal source (like if you inhale or swallow it), it causes a lot of damage!
is the process by which an object is exposed to any kind of radiation.
Irradiation is always hazardous!
It is not dependent on the substance's half-life, like contamination.
You can prevent irradiation...
by using lead aprons, lead shields and radiation monitors or detectors.
The most dangerous kinds of radiation for irradiation...
are beta and gamma radiation, because although they are not as ionising as alpha radiation, they are very penetrating, so as external sources, they can cause damage.