Controlling the Size/Direction

Controlling the Size/Direction
This lesson looks at the factors that affect the size and direction of an induced potential difference, and how the magnetic field produced opposes the original change.
Which of these options will induce a potential difference in a current-carrying conductor?
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Moving a magnet in and out of a coil of wire will create a potential difference and allow a current to flow through the wire. What can you do to increase the amount of potential difference that is being created?
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What effect will an increase in potential difference have on the current flowing through the conductor?
As you move the magnet in and out of the coil of wire, what happens to the direction of the potential difference and the current?
When we move the magnet inside a coil of wire back and forth, we change the direction of the current that is generated by the conductor in the magnetic field.
We can increase the current by increasing the induced potential difference. To do that, we can increase the strength of the magnet, increase the number of coils in the wire or increase the speed that the magnet is moving at.
What does a current through a conductor generate?
When we allow current to flow through the conductor, we create a magnetic field. The magnet itself also has a magnetic field. These two magnetic fields will __________ each other.

The two magnetic fields oppose each other as you can see in the image.
The arrows point in opposite directions.

The magnetic field around the coil works against the direction of potential difference.
Imagine the arrows in the magnetic field around the coil moving. They would collide with the arrows that indicate potential difference.

If the magnetic field of the magnet is strong enough to stop the change in potential difference, what effect will this have on the current that flows through the conductor?
A) It will increase the current. B) It will decrease the current. C) It won't have an effect.