
Evaporation is the change of state from a liquid to a gas. Factors which can increase the rate of evaporation include temperature, surface area and wind moving over the surface.
If you hang your washing on the line to dry, which of the following factors will affect how quickly it dries? Select all the options you think are correct.
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When we hang washing on the line it dries through evaporation. There are a range of factors which affect the rate of evaporation, including temperature, surface area and wind moving over the surface.
If the temperature of a liquid is increased, what effect will this have on the particles' energy levels?
Choose the correct options to finish the following sentence: Evaporation is...
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If you increase the rate of temperature change of a liquid, what will this do to the rate of evaporation of the liquid?
Evaporation is the change of state from a liquid to a gas. It is caused by an increase in temperature which gives the particles enough energy to break their bonds and become a gas. If you increase the rate of temperature increase, you will increase the rate of evaporation because the particles will break their bonds quicker.
When a liquid evaporates, what state of matter is formed?
True or false? Evaporation occurs on the **** surface of a liquid?
If a gas is formed from the surface of the liquid during evaporation, how might surface area affect the rate of evaporation?
When a liquid is heated to boiling point, the particles break their bonds and leave the liquid as a gas. If the surface area is larger, there is more space for the particles to reach the surface of the liquid and evaporate.
How does sweating reduce the temperature of the human body?
In hot humid countries, such as Singapore, the air is very humid. What do we mean by humid? Pick all the options that you think are correct.
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If the air is humid, why might sweating not be an effective method of cooling down a human body?
Given that evaporation cannot occur if the air is already filled with water particles, how might wind blowing increase the rate of evaporation?
As the wind blows over a hot object, it blows the air particles which are full of water particles away and brings fresh air particles over it. This increases the rate of evaporation.
As sweat evaporates from your body, what is the name of the effect this has on the body?