Using Related Properties to Measure Temperature

Using Related Properties to Measure Temperature
Objects can be used to measure temperature, if they change uniformly with a change in temperature.
What do we call an instrument which measures temperature?
True or false? A thermometer is the only way we can measure the temperature.
Can we use a block of ice to tell us anything about temperature?
Can we use any object or substance to help us work out the temperature?
We can use object to measure temperature as long as they change uniformly with a change in temperature, For example, we know that if an ice block is melting, the temperature is above 0 degrees Celsius.
True or false? In order to use a substance as a thermometer, we need a fixed range that includes the upper and lower temperatures where that substance will be in a certain state.
True or false? We could not use water to measure if something is below 0 degrees or above 100 degrees Celsius.
In order to be used to measure temperature, a substance needs to have a fixed upper and lower point. We know for example that water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius and evaporates at 100 degrees Celsius, so we can use these changes of state as fixed points.
Which of these make mercury useful for measuring high temperatures?
Which of these make alcohol suitable for measuring low temperatures?
Mercury is a liquid metal with a high boiling point. This makes it excellent for use in a thermometer which needs to measure high temperatures. Alcohol has a low freezing point which makes it excellent for use in a thermometer which measures low temperatures.