A current can either be produced to go in one direction, namely a direct current (DC) or as a current which changes directions, namely an alternating current (AC).
Current is the movement of _________ _____________.
True or false? Current always flows in one direction.
Some currents do only flow in one direction. What do you think we call those currents?
What do we call a current that can flow in either direction?
So current which flows in one direction is called direct current (DC), whereas alternating current (AC) flows in either direction.
Alternating current will not flow in both directions at the same time. It will flow in one direction and then change to the other direction. These changes can take place multiple times a second and occur due to the changing potential difference in a circuit.
What type of current do you think batteries provide a circuit with?
Batteries have a negative and positive terminal, so the particles only move in one direction. That means that batteries provide direct current.
Which of the following best describes direct current?
If direct current is the movement of charged particles in one direction, then what does alternating current mean?
An example of alternating current is mains electricity which travels in either direction around circuits. It can change due to changes in potential difference.
Which of the following use direct current? Select all the options you think are correct.
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Why do electronic devices use direct current?
Which of the following use alternating current? Pick all the options you think are correct.
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Direct current (DC) is used in appliances which contain circuit boards, because circuit boards require a constant flow of electricity in one direction to work. Other appliances connected to mains electricity use alternating current (AC) because it is easier to increase or decrease the voltage to the appropriate level.