Reabsorption of Water

Reabsorption of Water
Water is one of the components that can be selectively reabsorbed in the nephron.
Name the organ that regulates the water concentration of the blood.
Name the functional unit of the kidney.
How does the water in the blood move into the nephron?
The kidneys control the water concentration of the blood. Name the substance produced by the kidneys to allow removal of excess water.
Blood is filtered at the Bowman's capsule.
This is where ultrafiltration occurs, where substances move from the blood into the nephron.

What is the name of capillaries that are inside the Bowman's capsule?

Name the vessel leading to the glomerulus.

Name the vessel leading away from the glomerulus.

Afferent and efferent arteriole
You can remember it like this: The afferent arteriole arrives at the glomerulus, and the efferent arteriole exists the glomerulus.

How do you think high pressure is created in the glomerulus?
A) The afferent arteriole is wider than the efferent arteriole. B) Muscles surrounding contract and squeeze the glomerulus.

Where is water first absorbed as it passes along the nephron?

Where is the second place water is absorbed in the nephron?

After the loop of Henle, where is water next absorbed in the nephron?

Where is water absorbed finally in the nephron, before excess drains away as urine?

What are the main roles of the kidney?
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How does some of the water go back into the blood from the nephron? Pick all the options you think are correct.
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So the kidneys control the volume of water that is reabsorbed. If you drink a lot of water one day, but otherwise don't change anything, will that make you produce more or less urine?