The Brain

The Brain
The brain is a highly complex organ and is the centre that controls higher order functions.
The brain is one component of the central nervous system, the other component being the spinal cord. The brain is the organ in charge of every complex behaviour you do, from running, to sleeping, to processing this lesson!
How many neurones do you think there are in the brain?
There are billions of interconnected neurones in the brain. It is a very complex organ. Scientists are still trying to understand the functions of many parts.
The brain has different regions, which scientists have given different names. What do you think the regions do?
This is the brain
We are going to look at the regions of the brain and what they do.

The cerebral cortex. Look at the diagram. "Cerebral" relates to the brain. Now, what do you think "cortex" means?
A) The outer layer B) The middle C) The base

The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher processes...
such as consciousness, memory, language, personality and intelligence.

The "medulla oblongata", or more simply the "medulla", controls your unconscious activities. Which of these do you think it controls?
A) Digestion and scratching B) Scratching and heartbeat C) Digestion and heartbeat

The "cerebellum" just helped you click onto this question. What do you think the cerebellum does?
A) Controls heart rate B) Co-ordinates movement, muscular contractions and balance C) Determines intelligence

Neuroscientists (scientists that study the brain) can use a range of methods to study the functions of the brain. Select all the options you think would be useful for that.
You can select multiple answers
Remembering all the brain regions and their functions can be tricky. Maybe this will help you.
The cerebral cortex...
is the highest region on the brain - the outer layer. It controls higher levels of processing like planning and reasoning (not every animal can reason).
The medulla...
keeps you out of a muddle by controlling your unconscious vital functions like heart rate, breathing and digestion.
The cerebellum...
helps with balance, co-ordination and muscular contractions.
Which label does the cerebellum have?

What function does the cerebellum have?
A) Controlling unconscious activities such as heart rate and blinking. B) Controlling consciousness, memory, language, personality and intelligence. C) Co-ordinating movement, muscular contractions and balance.

Which is label A?

What function does the cerebral cortex have?
A) Controlling unconscious activities such as heart rate and blinking. B) Controlling consciousness, memory, language, personality and intelligence. C) Co-ordinating movement, muscular contractions and balance.

Label B controls unconscious activities such as heart rate and blinking. What is it called?

If, after an accident, someone's personality changes, which part of their brain might be damaged?