The Effects of Smoking

The Effects of Smoking
We will look at the biological consequences of smoking on the lungs.
What harmful substances do you think cigarette smoke contains?
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Cigarette smoke contains many harmful substances. The two most important substances are nicotine and tar.
Nicotine is the drug in cigarettes that makes them addictive. It can affect the growth of children and teenagers. In large doses, it could even cause vomiting and seizures!
Tar is a brown, sticky mixture of many different chemicals. When a smoker inhales cigarette smoke, around 70% of the tar can stay behind in their lungs!
Why nicotine and tar is such a terrible combination...
Nicotine is addictive. What happens when you get addicted to nicotine?
If you smoke more, what happens to the amount of tar you take in?
So nicotine makes you want to smoke more because it is addictive. The more you smoke, the more tar you build up in your lungs!
Smoking can lead to the development of several diseases, such as emphysema, bronchitis and lung cancer.
is caused by the breakdown of the elastic tissues between the alveoli. The tissues help alveoli reshape after they have been stretched during inhalation and also hold bronchi open. A person with emphysema will find it hard to inhale and exhale air from the lungs.
is caused by the bronchial tubes narrowing **** due to more mucus being produced try to trap smoke particles. The smoke also damages the cilia so that it can't remove excess mucus from the respiratory system. This could lead to further infections and illnesses.
Lung cancer...
is mostly caused by cigarette smoking. Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogens which are substances that lead to the formation of cancer.
Select all the statements you think are correct.
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Name the disease caused by smoking where the tissues of the alveoli are damaged.
Name the disease caused by smoking where the bronchial tubes narrow **** due to more mucus being produced try to trap smoke particles.