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Tiny Units

Tiny Units

Tiny Units

Cells are super small, so it's helpful to know some units that are smaller than millimetres.


A typical cell is 0.010.1 mm0.01-0.1 \space mm across. How many cells does that mean you can fit next to each other within a millimetre?

A) 1 cells B) 1-10 cells C) 10-100 cells


Imagine you are studying a cell that is 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm across

Those zeros and decimals could get quite confusing, so it's useful to use units that are even smaller than a millimetre.

Pick all the units below that you think are smaller than a millimetre.

You can select multiple answers


Micrometres are abbreviated μm\mu m

You can fit 1,000 μm1,000 \space \mu m inside a millimetre!


Now, imagine a cell that's 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm across. If you changed the unit to micrometres, would the number then be bigger or smaller than 0.020.02?

A) Bigger B) Smaller


To convert 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm into micrometres, you need to _____________ 0.020.02 by 1,000μm1,000 \mu m.

A) multiply B) divide


What is 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm in micrometres?


For every 1 mm1 \space mm, you have 1,000 μm1,000 \space \mu m

So you go from millimetres to micrometres by multiplying by 1,000 μm1,000 \space \mu m For example, 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm is the same as 20 μm20 \space \mu m


What is the abbreviation you use for nanometres?

A) μm\mu m B) nmnm C) pmpm


Nanometres are even smaller than micrometres

There are 1,000,000 nm1,000,000 \space nm in a millimetre!


So how would you change 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm into nanometres?

A) Multiply by 1,000 nm1,000 \space nm B) Multiply by 1,000,000 nm1,000,000 \space nm


What would 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm be in nanometres?


For every 1 mm1 \space mm, you have 1,000,000 nm1,000,000 \space nm

So you go from millimetres to nanometres by multiplying by 1,000,000 nm1,000,000 \space nm For example, 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm is the same as 20,000 nm20,000 \space nm


What is the abbreviation you use for picometres?

A) μm\mu m B) nmnm C) pmpm


Picometres are even smaller than nanometres

There are 1,000,000,000 pm1,000,000,000 \space pm in a millimetre!


So what would 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm be in picometres?


For every 1 mm1 \space mm, you have 1,000,000,000 pm1,000,000,000 \space pm

So you go from millimetres to picometres by multiplying by 1,000,000,000 pm1,000,000,000 \space pm For example, 0.02 mm0.02 \space mm is the same as 20,000,000 pm20,000,000 \space pm



Micrometres, nanometres and picometres are all smaller than a millimetre

Micrometres are abbreviated μm\mu m

Nanometres are abbreviated nmnm

Picometres are abbreviated pmpm


These are tiny tiny units!

There are 1,000 μm1,000 \space \mu m in a millimetre. There are 1,000,000 nm1,000,000 \space nm in a millimetre. There are 1,000,000,000 pm1,000,000,000 \space pm in a millimetre.


Now! For every 1 mm1 \space mm, you have 1,000μm1,000 \mu m and 1,000,000 nm1,000,000 \space nm. How many nanometres does that mean you can fit in a micrometre?


So you can fit 1,000 nm1,000 \space nm in one micrometre. How would you change for example 25 μm25 \space \mu m into nanometres?

A) Multiply by 1,000 nm1,000 \space nm B) Multiply by 1,000,000 nm1,000,000 \space nm


What would 25 μm25 \space \mu m be in nanometres, then?


For every 1μm1 \mu m, you have 1,000 nm1,000 \space nm

So you go from micrometres to nanometres by multiplying by 1,000 nm1,000 \space nm For example, 25 μm25 \space \mu m is the same as 25,000 nm25,000 \space nm


How would you convert from nanometres to picometres?

A) Multiply by 1,000 pm1,000 \space pm B) Multiply by 1,000,000 pm1,000,000 \space pm C) Multiply by 1,000,000,000 pm1,000,000,000 \space pm


How would you convert from micrometres to picometres?

A) Multiply by 1,000 pm1,000 \space pm B) Multiply by 1,000,000 pm1,000,000 \space pm C) Multiply by 1,000,000,000 pm1,000,000,000 \space pm


Now! How would you convert from nanometres to millimetres?

A) Multiply by 1,000,000 nm1,000,000 \space nm B) Divide by 1,000,000 mm1,000,000 \space mm


Make sure you know if you are going to a smaller unit or to a bigger one!

If you go from bigger to smaller, you should multiply (for example from millimetres to micrometres).

If you go from smaller to bigger, you should divid****e (for example from picometres to nanometres).

What would 0.035 mm0.035 \space mm be in micrometres?

What would 75 μm75 \space \mu m be in picometres?

What would 47 pm47 \space pm be in nanometres?


Summary! Cells are only about 0.010.1 mm0.01-0.1 \space mm across

So it's useful to have smaller units so you don't have to deal with all those zeros and decimals.


Micrometres, nanometres and picometres

There are 1,000 μm1,000 \space \mu m in a millimetre. There are 1,000,000 nm1,000,000 \space nm in a millimetre. There are 1,000,000,000 pm1,000,000,000 \space pm in a millimetre.


Be careful when you convert from one unit to another!

If you go from a bigger unit to a smaller unit, you should multiply. If you go from a smaller unit to a bigger unit, you should divide.