Types of Data in Microscopy

Types of Data in Microscopy
You can use microscope images to collect data like numbers, size and estimations.
This is a magnified view of the lower surface of a leaf
We can use this image to record different kinds of data.

What does the word "data" mean?
A) Video B) Image C) Information

We can use images from microscopes to count things.

How many cells can you count in this view?

We can use images from microscopes to measure things.

How long are the guard cells in the magnified image?

How much has the image been magnified?

So the image of the guard cell is 6 mm after it has been magnified ×200. How big is the real guard cell in mm?

The real guard cell is 0.03 mm long. How much is that in micrometres, μm?

So you can use measurements of size in the image to work out how big the real object is
real object size=magnificationimage size In this example, the real guard cell is 30 μm long.

From the size of one thing in the image, we can estimate the size of another thing.

The real guard cell is 30μm long, so how wide is it approximately?
A) 40μm B) 20μm C) 10μm

You can use microscope images to collect different kinds of data.

For example
You can collect data about numbers and sizes which you can use to also give estimates.