What Do Stem Cells Do?

What Do Stem Cells Do?
You will learn about the function of stem cells in animals and plants.
Differentiated cells are cells that have a specific function and structure (for example muscle cells or skin cells). Undifferentiated cells are cells that have a general structure and function (for example stem cells).
Stem cells are cells that can become other types of cells. They have the ability to change their structure and function to become specialist cells. Do you think we find stem cells in embryos?
Where are animal embryos found?
When the fertilised egg cell divides, it essentially becomes a tiny ball of embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells can divide to make more stem cells, or they can differentiate (change) into any kind of cell type in the body!
What type of cells can an animal embryonic stem cell become?
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When a baby is born, it is attached to tissues that also contain stem cells. These tissues are part of the baby, not the mother. What are they called? Pick all the options you think are correct.
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Embryonic stem cells have great potential in providing treatments for debilitating conditions. They could provide a cure for cancers or dementia.
Animal adult stem cells
Animal adult stem cells are also known as "somatic" or "tissue" stem cells.
"Adult" here means any part of life after birth. Adult stem cells have been found in many tissues in the body, including bone marrow, the brain, the liver and even the skin.
Adult stem cells have the ability to form only a limited range of different cell types. What cells can change to form all types of cells?
Adult stem cells can form the type of cells needed to make a certain tissue type. For example, brain stem cells can differentiate to become any of the three main brain cell types. What do you think stem cells in the skin can become?
Adult stem cells mostly remain dormant until they are needed. When might a skin stem cell be needed? Pick all the options you think are correct.
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Bone marrow stem cells, especially those in the upper thigh bones, can differentiate to produce the cells in the blood. Which of these do you think the bone marrow can produce?
Plant adult stem cells...
are found in the growing points of the stems and the roots, known as the meristems. So we also call them m****eristem cells.

The diagram shows some of the specialist cells these plant stem cells can change into. Can an epidermal cell change to become a phloem cells? Answer yes or no.

Meristem cells can form any tissue type in the plant
Unlike animals, these stems cells are only found in the meristems, not throughout the rest of the plant body.