HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. If unsuccessfully controlled with drugs, HIV can lead to AIDS, a disease where the immune system is weakened and cannot defend the body from other illnesses.
Do you know how HIV is spread from one person to another?
How can HIV be transmitted via the exchange of body fluids?
Which one of these options do you think describes the very early symptoms of HIV?
HIV is a virus. It spreads via and exchange of body fluids, for example during sexual contact or when drug users share needles. Early symptoms are similar to the flu.
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. What do you think HIV does to the body?
In the long term, as your immune system weakens, HIV turns into another disease which we call AIDS.
AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome, so if you have AIDS the immune system is badly damaged and...
The HIV virus is latent for a while. What does latent mean?
People with HIV take antiretroviral drugs? What do you think those drugs do?
HIV infects and damages the immune system. After the first flu-like symptoms, the person will have no symptoms for a while. We say the virus is latent. We can prolong this phase with antiretroviral drugs. Eventually, though, as the person's immune system weakens, HIV can transition into AIDS. A person with AIDS is unable to fight off viruses and cancers.