What Is a Transformer?

What Is a Transformer?
Transformers are devices which can change the voltage of an alternating current.
What is a transformer?
There are two different types of transformers.
What do you think a step-up transformer does?
What do you think we call a transformer that reduces the voltage?
Transformers are very useful. For example, we need to transport electricity from the power stations at extremely high voltages to make sure that it will actually reach our homes. When it does reach our homes, however, the voltage has to be decreased again before it enters our plug sockets.
Can a transformer change alternating current to direct current?
Can we use transformers with direct current?
To sum up!
Transformers only work on alternating current.
They change the voltage the current travels at. They do not change the type of current - for example, they cannot change alternating current into direct current.
We need transformers!
We need to transfer the current from power stations over large distances to reach our homes. That requires a very high voltage. The voltage then has to be decreased again before it enters our plug sockets at home.
So a transformer takes the current from one circuit, manipulates it, and feeds it into another circuit.
More on this in later lessons.