Temperature and Pressure

Temperature and Pressure
The exact pressure inside a container is dependent on a variety of factors. Let's explore what increasing or decreasing one of these factors, temperature, will do to the pressure.
True or false? Changing the volume of the container or the volume of gas in the container is the only way to affect the pressure the gas exerts on the container.
What happens to the motion of the particles of a gas if you increase the temperature of the gas?
Why do the particles increase in speed when they are heated up?
Will an increase in particles' speed result in more or fewer collisions with the walls of the container?
If you increase the temperature of a gas, the particles will receive more energy. This energy is used as kinetic energy by the particles which means they move faster. This then means that there are more collisions with the walls of the container which means an increase in pressure.
True or false? The particles move faster when you increase the temperature because their mass decreases.
Which of the following formulas do you think could be used to show the energy a particle has to use for movement?
As their **** mass remains constant, we can say that the speed of the particles is related to the temperature increase because the temperature increase provides more energy which is expressed as kinetic energy: **** KE=21mv2 where m is the particles' mass and v is their velocity.
Remember that the speed of the particles is directly related to the pressure exerted. As the speed increases the particles collide more with the walls of the container which increases the pressure.
What will happen to the pressure exerted by a gas when the temperature decreases?