
We will explore how energy can be obtained from Solar power. We will cover its advantages and disadvantages.
Where does solar energy come from?
What type of energy is converted into electricity in solar cells?
This is a solar panel
It takes light from the Sun and converts it into electrical energy.

Which of the following objects use solar energy? Pick all the options you think are correct.
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What type of energy resource is solar energy?
Solar cells convert light from the Sun into electricity. They are used to charge the batteries in small items like watches and calculators. It is a renewable energy resource.
Where are solar cells most effective?
What are the advantages of using solar cells? Pick all the options you think are correct.
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What are the disadvantages of using solar cells? Pick all the options you think are correct.
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Disadvantages of solar cells: They work best in sunny conditions (although they do work on a small scale in cloudy conditions too), they don't work at night, and they produce only small amounts of electricity.
Advantages of solar cells: They are extremely reliable in sunny countries, they cause no pollution, and there is virtually no running cost once the solar panels are set up.